Aggregate particle image segmentation - art. no. 67234X

作者:Wang W X*
来源:3rd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies, 2007-07-08 to 2007-07-12.


The most important and hard part of computer vision for aggregates, is segmentation. Segmentation can be divided into two steps, one is segmentation based on gray levels (called image binarization sometimes) in which a gray level image is processed and converted into a binary image, the other is segmentation based on particle shapes in a binary image, in which overlapping and touching particles will be split, and over-segmented particles will be merged based on some prior knowledge such as shape and size etc. In this paper, according to authors' work experiences, several kinds of aggregate image segmentation algorithms are analyzed and discussed; therefore, the suggestions for aggregate image segmentation are proposed.
