MicroRNA and gene networks in human Hodgkin's lymphoma

作者:Zhu, Minghui; Xu, Zhiwen*; Wang, Kunhao; Wang, Ning; Zhu, Mingyang; Wang, Shang
来源:Molecular Medicine Reports, 2013, 8(6): 1747-1754.


There has been significant progress in gene and microRNA (miRNA) research with regard to the morbidity of Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL). However, the regulatory mechanisms of genes and miRNAs have yet to be determined. In the current study, the regulatory association between genes, miRNAs and transcription factors (TFs) was investigated to gain an understanding of the mechanisms and key pathways of HL. The association between TFs and miRNAs, miRNAs and target genes and miRNA and its host gene was examined. To show the regulatory correlation clearly, three regulatory networks were hierarchically constructed: Differentially expressed, associated and global networks. Following comparison and analysis of the similarities and differences among the three networks, a number of key pathways, which showed self-adaptation associations were identified. This included NFB1 and hsa-miR-9, hsa-miR-196a-1 and its host gene HOXB7, which separately forms a self-adaptation association. The differentially expressed network illuminated the pathogenesis of HL. In addition, the associated network further described the regulatory mechanism associated with HL, including prevention, diagnosis, development and therapy. The current study systematically explains the regulatory mechanisms of HL and supplies comprehensive data associated with HL for further studies. With increasing knowledge of the occurrence, mechanism, improvement, metastasis and treatment, an increased understanding of HL may be achieved.
