
CASE HISTORY: A 7-year-old cat developed sporadic vomiting, reduced appetite, and weight loss over the previous 3 months.CLINICAL FINDINGS: Palpation revealed a large mid-abdominal mass and the cat had marked eosinophilia. The cat progressively lost weight over the next 7 weeks when euthanasia was performed.PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Necropsy revealed a 3cm diameter firm white intramural mass in the colon and another in the pylorus. Mesenteric and cranial mediastinal lymph nodes were firm, pale, and enlarged. Histopathological examination revealed foci of necrosis surrounded by thick dense collagen trabeculae and predominantly eosinophilic inflammation within the intestine and lymph nodes. Marked eosinophilic infiltration of the liver was also present.DIAGNOSIS: The lesions were consistent with gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia (FGESF).CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first report of FGESF in a New Zealand cat and the first time lesions of FGESF have been observed in extra-abdominal tissues. Intestinal neoplasia can be clinically identical to FGESF and histopathology is required for differentiation. Evidence suggests that FGESF has a more favourable prognosis than intestinal neoplasia.

  • 出版日期2014-11-2