A novel antibiotic based long-term model of ovine smoke inhalation injury and septic shock

作者:Nakano Yoshimitsu*; Maybauer Marc O; Maybauer Dirk M; Enkhbaatar Perenlei; Traber Daniel L
来源:Burns, 2010, 36(7): 1050-1058.


We modified our established and clinically relevant ARDS model of smoke inhalation injury and septic shock by administration of combined antibiotics (AB) such as piperacillin and ciprofloxacin, to more closely mimic the clinical intensive care setting. Twenty-three sheep were subjected to the injury, and allocated to four groups for a 96 h study period: sham (n = 5 non-injured); control (n = 6: injured); AB6h (n = 6: injured, antibiotics started 6 h post-injury); AB12h (n = 6: injured, antibiotics started 12 h post-injury). All sham animals survived 96 h. Control, AB6h, AB12h groups reached criteria of septic shock within 12 h post-injury. All controls died within 36 h. Eighty three percent of AB6h and fifty percent of AB12h survived 96 h. Median survival times were significantly improved in the treated groups compared with the control group: 24 h in control vs. 80.5 h in AB6h, and 65 h in AB12h animals. Combined ciprofloxacin and piperacillin therapy was effective, reduced nitric oxide production and mortality, and will allow future long-term studies in this model.