An assessment of essential maternal health services in Kwara state, Nigeria.

作者:R Saidu; EM August; AP Alio; HM Salihu; MJ Saka; AAG Jimoh
来源:African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2013.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the levels of emergency obstetrics care (EOC) signal functions in health facilities in a developing setting with high maternal morbidity and mortality indices and to determine if there are differences between public and private health facilities in terms of availability of these signal functions. A survey of health facilities was carried out in six of the 16 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Kwara State Nigeria. All health facilities in these LGAs including public and private health facilities offering some services to pregnant women were surveyed using an interviewer- administered, facility-assessment questionnaire adapted from the WHO/UNFPA/UNICEF international guidelines for monitoring the availability and use of obstetric services. Frequency tables, percentages and charts were used for presenting the data. Comparing public and private facilities was done using chi-square tests. A total of 258 health facilities that provide maternal health services were surveyed in this study, out of which 76 (29.5%) were private facilities and 182 (70.5%) were public sector facilities. Most of the UN indicators were not met by the health facilities in Kwara state. The availability of EOC facilities was more among the private sector and this was statistically significant. This study shows that all stakeholders involved in reducing maternal mortality have a big challenge in the areas of availability, inequity in geographical distribution of EOC facilities and poor utilisation of these EOC services by women. R谷sum谷 Cette 谷tude a comme objectif d%26apos;谷valuer les niveaux de fonctions des signalisation de soins obst谷tricaux d%26apos;urgence (SOU), dans les 谷tablissements de sant谷 dans un cadre de d谷veloppement ayant des indices de la morbidit谷 maternelle 谷lev谷s et de d谷terminer s%26apos;il existe des diff谷rences entre les 谷tablissements de sant谷 publics et priv谷s en ce qui concerne la disponibilit谷 de ces fonctions de signalisation. Une enqu那te aupr豕s des 谷tablissements de sant谷 a 谷t谷 men谷e dans six des 16 zones d*Administrations locales (AL) de l%26apos;谷tat de Kwara au Nig谷ria. Tous les 谷tablissements de sant谷 dans ces r谷gions locales, y compris les 谷tablissements de sant谷 publics et priv谷s, qui assurent des services aux femmes enceintes, ont 谷t谷 interrog谷s 角 l%26apos;aide d*un questionnaire destin谷 角 l*谷valuation des 谷tablissements. Le questionnaire qui a 谷t谷 adapt谷 谷t谷 角 partir des lignes directrices internationales de l*OMS / FNUAP / UNICEF pour la surveillance la disponibilit谷 et l%26apos;utilisation des services obst谷tricaux a 谷t谷 administr谷 par un intervieweur. Les tables de fr谷quences, des pourcentages et des graphiques ont 谷t谷 utilis谷s pour pr谷senter les donn谷es. La comparaison des 谷tablissements publics et priv谷s a 谷t谷 effectu谷e 角 l%26apos;aide des tests du chi-carr谷. Au total, 258 谷tablissements de sant谷 qui assurent des services de sant谷 maternelle ont 谷t谷 enqu那t谷s dans cette 谷tude, dont 76 (29,5%) ont 谷t谷 des 谷tablissements priv谷s et 182 (70,5%) 谷taient d

  • 出版日期2013
