
In this paper, by using the factorization of the companion polynomial of the binary quadratic function f(x) = Sigma(1 <= i <= k)aix(1+2ai) +aox, x is an element of F(2)n, a(i) is an element of F(2)m m vertical bar n we give a method to compute the exponential sum S(f, n) = Sigma(x is an element of)F(2)n (-1)(Tr(f(x))) for the quadratic functions f (x), where Tr(.) is the trace function from F(2)n to F-2. The computation of the exponential sum of quadratic functions with many terms can be transformed to that of some quadratic functions that can be explicitly evaluated by present results. Moreover, the necessary and sufficient condition for f'(z) equivalent to g(z) g*(z) (mod (2. z(2s) + 1)) is given, where g* (z) is the generalized reciprocal polynomial of g(z) and f '(z) is the companion polynomial of f (x). As a consequence, the exponential sums S ( f, 2(s)) for most binary quadratic functions f (x) is an element of F-2[x] can be computed.