
As an important function of a distributed decision support system, model composition aims to aggregate model functions to solve complex decision problems. Most existing methods on model composition only apply to the models which have the same type of input and output data so that they can be linked together directly. Those methods are inadequate for the heterogeneous models, since a heterogeneous model may have different types of input and output data that are represented in either qualitative or quantitative manner. This paper aims to address the problem of heterogeneous model composition by employing the techniques based on semantic web services and artificial intelligence planning. In this paper, the heterogeneous model composition problem is converted to the problem of planning in nondeterministic domains under partial observability. An automatic composition method is presented to generate the composite model based on the planning as model checking technique. The experiment results are also presented in this paper to show the feasibility and capability of our approach in dealing with the complex problems involving heterogeneous models.