
In the United States, prostitution is considered illegal in all but one state; Nevada allows some legal activities in exchange for substantial guidelines. In 2010, approximately 43,600 females were arrested for prostitution. Numerous intervention programs were established in order to obstruct the lifestyle of a prostitute (PRP, Project ROSE, etc.). There are many documentations and programs that share their forethought on prostitution; however, few target prostitution directly. To determine the dynamics of prostitution, this paper constructs a four-class compartmental model that focuses on the effectiveness of government intervention and rehabilitation of prostitutes mathematically. The basic reproductive number, R-0, helps to discover the threshold values for the dynamics of prostitution to become both prevalent or absent in society. This paper predominately observes government intervention to curtail a prostitution prevalent society. Various parameters and variables help to define and indicate the dynamics of prostitution to construct viable simulations. Successful prostitution interaction prevention deemed essential in prostitution prevention; however, government intervention corresponding with successful rehabilitation competitively challenges prostitution interaction prevention in reducing basic reproductive values.

  • 出版日期2018-4
