
To study the growth, biomass and water potential under different water control, two-year old Pinus yunnanensis Franch. seedlings were potted under four different water content levels: normal water content (T1), mild drought (T2), moderate drought (T3) and severe drought (T4), which were controlled by weighing the soil. Results showed that: (i) when water stress became more severe, the heights, base diameters of the seedlings increased significantly, the soil and leaf water potential were decreased, the stem and leaf biomass percentage of the total were increased, the root biomass and root shoot ratio were increased. (ii) The height was positively correlated with diameter, and soil water, potential was positively correlated with leaf water potential. Growth indexes are negatively correlated with water potential indexes for the most part. The growth and biomass index under four different water treatments was positively correlated, and the correlation relationship was significant.