
A systematic study of Ca+ atomic properties is carried out using a high-precision relativistic all-order method where all single, double, and partial triple excitations of the Dirac-Fock wave functions are included to all orders of perturbation theory. Reduced matrix elements, oscillator strengths, transition rates, and lifetimes are determined for the levels up to n = 7. Recommended values and estimates of their uncertainties are provided for a large number of electric-dipole transitions. Electric-dipole scalar polarizabilities for the 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 4p(j), 5p(j), 3d(j), and 4d(j) states and tensor polarizabilities for the 4p(3/2), 5p(3/2), 3d(j), and 4d(j) states in Ca+ are calculated. Methods are developed to accurately treat the contributions from highly excited states, resulting in significant (factor of 3) improvement in the accuracy of the 3d(5/2) static polarizability value, 31.8(3)a(0)(3), in comparison with the previous calculation [Arora et al., Phys. Rev. A 76, 064501 (2007).]. The blackbody radiation shift of the 4s -3d(5/2) clock transition in Ca+ is calculated to be 0.381(4) Hz at room temperature, T = 300 K. Electric-quadrupole 4s-nd and electric-octupole 4s-nf matrix elements are calculated to obtain the ground-state multipole E2 and E3 static polarizabilities. Excitation energies of the ns, np, nd, nf, and ng states with n <= 7 in are evaluated and compared with experiment. Recommended values are provided for the 7p(1/2), 7p(3/2), 8p(1/2), and 8p(3/2) removal energies for which experimental measurements are not available. The hyperfine constants A are determined for the low-lying levels up to n = 7. The quadratic Stark effect on hyperfine structure levels of Ca-43(+) ground state is investigated. These calculations provide recommended values critically evaluated for their accuracy for a number of Ca+ atomic properties for use in planning and analysis of various experiments as well as theoretical modeling.

  • 出版日期2011-1-7