A case study of EM38 for characterizing topsoil thickness in a reclaimed field

作者:Sun, Yurui; Cai, Caixia*; Lin, Jianhui; Cheng, Qiang; Meng, Fanjia; Li, Daoliang
来源:Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2011, 34(6): 843-847.


Commercially available EM instruments have increasingly been used for soil EC(a) (apparent electrical conductivity) measurement. However, the practical examples in practice still remain limited. The major barrier is data interpretation because EC(a) values are influenced by numerous soil physical and chemical properties. This study provides a case application of EM38 for characterizing topsoil layer thickness (TSLT) within a plot (5000m(2)) of a reclaimed land in Fu Xin Mining, China. Beneath the topsoil layer, a thick layer of coal waste was deposited. The study methodology consisted of: (1) an analytical model developed based on the measurement principle of EM38; (2) confirmation of a negative correlation between EC(a) and TSLT by the experiment result that fulfilled the necessary condition of the analytical model; (3) comparison of three statistical models and the design of a linear model as the transform function between EC(a) and the TSLT; and (4) visual assessment of the discrepancy between TSLT and EC(a) using digital mapping.
