
Synoptic surface clouds observation is important in investigating cloud-climate system interaction. Study of interannual variability on regional scale is relevant because the variation in cloudiness is relatively large. This paper examines spatial and temporal distribution of cloudiness for Moldavia, eastern part of Romania, using an observational cloudiness database. The observed information (total and partial cloudiness, cloud types) is used inside the algorithm to compute low, middle and high cloudiness (in oktas). Analysis of cloudiness on regional scale showed certain peculiarities. Middle cloudiness is dominant in this area. Contribution of the middle clouds to the total cloudiness is above 60%, for both seasonal and interannual variability. In winter, low cloudiness has a greater contribution to total cloudiness, while high cloudiness remains constant. For further studies, the cloud database, obtained by application of the algorithm, could be used both to validate parameterization schemes of numerical weather prediction models and in data assimilation.

  • 出版日期2012