A simple breathing rate-sensing method exploiting a temporarily condensed water layer formed on an oxidized surface

作者:Seo Min Ho; Yang Hyun Ho; Choi Kwang Wook; Lee Jae Shin; Yoon Jun Bo*
来源:Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(5): 053701.


We describe a very simple breathing rate-sensing method that detects a significant electric current change between two metal electrodes on an oxidized surface. The current change is caused by the formation of a water layer from exhaled breath. We discovered that breathing onto the oxidized surface causes instant water condensation, and it generates 20 times increased current than that measured in the inhalation period. The condensed water quickly evaporates, enabling us to detect dynamic human breathing in real time. We also investigated the breathing rate sensor by varying the relative humidity, temperature, and breathing frequency and confirmed its potential for practical applications.