A novel high-resolution image connected components labeling method

作者:Fan Yebin; Zhao Hualong*
来源:7th Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR) - Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 2011-11-04 to 2011-11-06.


A novel labeling algorithm is proposed in this paper for high-resolution image connected components labeling. The proposed method successfully solves the labeling problem in the case that the computer memory capacity is less than required for the existing algorithms. Unlike the conventional algorithms that have to load the entire image into memory for labeling, our algorithm can finish the labeling task with the memory requirement of only two image rows size. Comparison and tests for high-resolution images are performed with the state-of-the-art algorithm. The proposed algorithm achieves significant performance improvement for high-resolution images labeling.
