
In order to investigate the pozzolanic reaction degree and active ions dissolution of gangue powder in different concentration Ca(OH)2 solutions in 48 hours dissolving time, the mineral, micromorphology and infrared spectrogram of residue in different dissolving times were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscopy (FETEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum (FT-IR), and the active ion concentration and conductivity of filtrate were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) and conductivity meter. The results indicate that: The gangue has pozzolanic activity after grinding, the variation trend of Al3+, Fe3+, Si4+ ions concentration appeare similar in 1 mol/L and 0.1 mol/L Ca(OH)2 solutions with increasing dissolving time, it appeares two peaks at 6 and 24 hour;It resultes in dissolving active ions that changed the Al-O and Si-O bond energy from kaolinite in gangue, the longer time gangue dissolve, the more clearly change of bond energy appeare;The micromorphology of gangue go through from the bareness of flaky mineral, to the adhesion of lamelliform Ca(OH)2 crystal, and then the precipitate of small active particle, finally the generation of petals shape products transforming into needle-like or pillar-like products;The conductivity of 1 mol/L and 0. 1 mol/L gangue -Ca(OH)2 solution appeares a decreasing tendency, the degree of pozzolanic reaction in 1 mol/L Ca(OH)2 solution appeares higher than in 0.1 mol/L Ca(OH)2 solution.
