Laser direct-write of single microbeads into spatially-ordered patterns

作者:Phamduy Theresa B*; Raof Nurazhani Abdul; Schiele Nathan R; Yan Zijie; Corr David T; Huang Yong; Xie Yubing; Chrisey Douglas B
来源:Biofabrication, 2012, 4(2): 025006.


Fabrication of heterogeneous microbead patterns on a bead-by-bead basis promotes new opportunities for sensors, lab-on-a-chip technology and cell-culturing systems within the context of customizable constructs. Laser direct-write (LDW) was utilized to target and deposit solid polystyrene and stem cell-laden alginate hydrogel beads into computer-programmed patterns. We successfully demonstrated single-bead printing resolution and fabricated spatially-ordered patterns of microbeads. The probability of successful microbead transfer from the ribbon surface increased from 0 to 80% with decreasing diameter of 600 to 45 mu m, respectively. Direct-written microbeads retained spatial pattern registry, even after 10 min of ultrasonication treatment. SEM imaging confirmed immobilization of microbeads. Viability of cells encapsulated in transferred hydrogel microbeads achieved 37 +/- 11% immediately after the transfer process, whereas randomly-patterned pipetted control beads achieved a viability of 51 +/- 25%. Individual placement of %26gt; 10 mu m diameter microbeads onto planar surfaces has previously been unattainable. We have demonstrated LDW as a valuable tool for the patterning of single, micrometer-diameter beads into spatially-ordered patterns.

  • 出版日期2012-6