
The infinitesimal symmetries of differential equations (DEs) or other geometric objects provide key insight into their analytical structure, including construction of solutions and of mappings between DEs. This article is a contribution to the algorithmic treatment of symmetries of DEs and their applications. Infinitesimal symmetries obey a determining system L of linear homogeneous partial differential equations, with the property that its solution vector fields form a Lie algebra L. We exhibit several algorithms that work directly with the determining system without solving it. A procedure is given that can decide if a system specifies a Lie algebra L, if L is abelian and if a system L' specifies an ideal in L. Algorithms are described that compute determining systems for transporter, Lie product and Killing orthogonal subspace. This gives a systematic calculus for Lie determining, systems, enabling computation of the determining systems for normalisers, centralisers, centre, derived algebra, solvable radical and key series (derived series, lower/upper central series). Our methods thereby give algorithmic access to new geometrical invariants of the symmetry action.

  • 出版日期2017-4