New insights on the role of sea ice in intercepting atmospheric pollutants using I-129

作者:Gomez Guzman J M*; Camara Mor P; Suzuki T; Lopez Gutierrez J M; Mas J L; Masque P; Moran S B; Smith J N
来源:Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2014, 89(1-2): 180-190.


Measurements of I-129 carried out on sea ice samples collected in the central Arctic Ocean in 2007 revealed relatively high levels in the range of 100-1400 x 10(7) at L-1 that are comparable to levels measured in the surface mixed layer of the ocean at the same time. The I-129/I-127 ratio in sea ice is much greater than that in the underlying water, indicating that the I-129 inventory in sea ice cannot be supported by direct uptake from seawater or by iodine volatilization from proximal (nearby) oceanic regimes. Instead, it is proposed that most of the I-129 inventory in the sea ice is derived from direct atmospheric transport from European nuclear fuel reprocessing plants at Sellafield and Cap La Hague. This hypothesis is supported by back trajectory simulations indicating that volume elements of air originating in the Sellafield/La Hague regions would have been present at arctic sampling stations coincident with sampling collection.

  • 出版日期2014-12-15