
Proper selection and operation of spray nozzles associated with aerial applications is critical to insuring efficacy while mitigating off-target movement. Labels for most agrochemical products applied in the United States specifically define the droplet size or spray classification that can be used to apply that product. Droplet size associated with most aerial application nozzles is a function of the combination of orifice size, spray pressure, orientation angle, and airspeed used. Recently, a set of computational models for the most commonly used aerial application nozzles were developed and released for use by applicators. While these models allow applicators to determine the droplet size characteristics associated with their specific nozzle and operational setup, determining the proper combination of orifice, pressure, orientation, and airspeed, can be an interactive process, leading to frustration and ultimately non-use of the models. To minimize the iterative calculations and provide a more intuitive, visual interpretation of the computational droplet size models, a series of graphical representations of each nozzle's complete operational space were developed for use by applicators. These graphical interfaces allow for optimal operational combinations to be more quickly identified and integrated into the application system setup decision matrix. The ultimate goal of this work is to increase the usage rate of the spray droplet size models by aerial applicators by providing a more intuitive and efficient user interface.

  • 出版日期2016