
Acne vulgaris is one of the most common diseases of the skin. With a prevalence of over 80% it is perceived as a physiological condition in adolescence and typically resolves by the age of 20 years. At other points in life acne is less common but still has to be considered clinically. In this context acne in young children (acne neonatorum, infantile acne) as well as persisting acne until the fourth or fifth decade (acne tarda) or acneiform diseases should be mentioned. Those diseases can present at any time of life and basically include rosacea, perioral dermatitis (rosacea-like dermatitis), pityrosporum folliculitis and acneiform reactions due to medication. The etiopathogenetic factors concerning the sebaceous gland-follicular unit have to be considered for therapeutic approaches. Retinoids, antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid are the main therapeutic medications.

  • 出版日期2011-11