
This work presents the first thermal-diffusivity-based temperature sensor realized in SOI technology; it has an untrimmed inaccuracy of +/- 0.6 degrees C (3 sigma) from -70 degrees C up to 225 degrees C and uses up to 7x less power than prior art. The sensor uses the phase shift of an Electrothermal Filter (ETF) as a proxy for the thermal diffusivity of silicon, D, which has a well-defined 1/T-1.8 temperature dependence. The ETF%26apos;s output is then digitized by a phase-domain sigma-delta modulator. Measured data from several process lots show that that the sensor%26apos;s inaccuracy is mainly limited by lithographic spread, and not by wafer-to-wafer or batch-to-batch variations.

  • 出版日期2012-12