
Background. To evaluate the role of umbilical artery (UA) peak systolic velocity (PSV) measurements in the prediction of perinatal outcome in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). %26lt;br%26gt;Methods. A prospective study was performed, including patients with a suspected diagnosis of IUGR. Exclusion criteria were multiple gestations, unreliable gestational age, and known fetal malformations. Doppler measurements of the UA and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were recorded. %26lt;br%26gt;Results. Seventy-two patients were enrolled and a total of 192 Doppler measurements were performed between 24 and 39 weeks%26apos; gestation. Mean gestational age at delivery was 36.9 +/- 2.7 days and mean birth weight was 2,166 +/- 497 grams. Nine patients (12.5%) had oligohydramnios; 50 (69.4%) delivered preterm (%26lt;37 weeks), and 26 underwent a cesarean section, of those 7 (29.2%) cesarean sections were for a nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing. Fifty-one (70.8%) neonates were actually small for gestational age. No correlation was found between UA-PSV and MCA-PSV to perinatal outcome. Correlation was found between UA pulsatility index and cerebroplacental ratio to perinatal outcome before 34 weeks%26apos; gestation. %26lt;br%26gt;Conclusions. UA PSV measurements do not correlate with adverse perinatal outcome. A correlation exists between UA pulsatility index and cerebroplacental ratio and perinatal outcome prior to 34 weeks%26apos; gestation. It seems that UA PSV and MCA PSV do not contribute to the management of fetuses with IUGR.