
The four endemic new genera Paulaudalna gen. nov., Bispinalta gen. nov., Melanesiana gen. nov. and Strepuntalna gen. nov. are described from New Caledonia. The genus Paulaudalna includes two new species: Paulaudalna marginata sp. nov., as type species, and Paulaudalna amieuensis sp. nov. The genus Bispinalta is described from the new species Bispinalta caledonica sp. nov., and comes from bushy forest at summit of pic Ouitchambo at Boulouparis. The genus Melanesiana is described from the new species Melanesiana kataouii sp. nov., that is found in bushy forest at massif du Kepeto (Pouembout). The genus Strepuntalna is represented by the new species Strepuntalna. renaudetii sp. nov., and is encountered in bushy forest of south and central chain. Except Paulaudalna amieuensis, male calling songs of the new species are described from field recordings.

  • 出版日期2017-3-14