
Performance analysis has become increasingly more accessible to coaches across many levels of sport (Blaze et al 2004). The primary aim of this study was to investigate how performance analysis tools are used by elite sports coaches. A stratified sample of forty-six elite professional and semi-professional coaches were selected to complete an online-survey relating to their engagement with match, notational and technique analysis. Most coaches (68%) would be provided with a DVD or edited clips after every game, whilst 16% would receive this service following most games. Over 50% of coaches will use performance analysis tools to provide video clips for other coaches and their support staff (64%); provide a video of the opposition (68%); collate quantitative game data (64%); and use as a motivational DVD (55%). Just under half of the coaches (43%) would use some form of live coding and analysis during games, whilst 39% would also receive a written match report including game statistics. Performance analysis information informed the coaches%26apos; short term planning (93%), medium term planning (80%) and long term planning (70%). 91% of coaches identified that their coaching philosophy would impact on their selection of KPI%26apos;s, whilst 43% also identified that their %26apos;gut instinct%26apos; would often impact on their selection. The key findings from this study have provided specific insight relating to how and why elite coaches engage with performance analysts. In particular, these findings inform specifically on how performance analysis impacts on their coaching practices within a number of different contexts.

  • 出版日期2012-8