Atomic scale structure and chemistry of Bi2Te3/GaAs interfaces grown by metallorganic van der Waals epitaxy

作者:Dycus J Houston*; White Ryan M; Pierce Jonathan M; Venkatasubramanian Rama; LeBeau James M
来源:Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102(8): 081601.


Here, we report the atomic scale structure and chemistry of epitaxial Bi2Te3 thin films grown via metallorganic chemical vapor deposition on (001) GaAs substrates. Using aberration corrected high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF STEM), we report an atomically abrupt interface spanned by a second phase. Further, we demonstrate that interpretation of HAADF STEM image intensities does not provide an unambiguous interface structure. Combining atomic resolution imaging and spectroscopy, we determine the identity of the interfacial species is found to be consistent with that of a bilayer of Ga-Te that terminates GaAs dangling bonds.