
This study estimates the accuracy of HFSS and Sonnet and other models against the experimental results from three sources. A closed-form model for experiment based stopping distance is developed to calculate accurately conductor loss of CPW. The present improved Holloway and Kuester (IHK) model has an average accuracy of 3.7% against the experimental results from different sources in the frequency range 1-120 GHz with conductor thickness of 0.25-1.58 mu m. The original Holloway and Kuester model has an average accuracy of 13.7% and model of Ponchak et al. 17.1 % against same set of experimental results. HFSS and Sonnet have average accuracy of 7.86% and 10.33% against same set of experimental data. The accuracy of IHK model is also examined against HFSS and Sonnet for the conductor thickness up to 9 mu m and substrate relative permittivity in the range of 3.8-20.

  • 出版日期2010-1