
Conidiobolus is a widely distributed genus throughout the world, and its resting spores include zygospores, chlamydospores and villose conidia. Conidiobolus dabieshanensis is confirmed as a new species with chlamydospores within the genus Conidiobolus based on the morphological evidence and the molecular data of LSU rDNA region. It is morphologically allied with C. adiaeretus and C. firmipilleus and it is phylogenetically closely related to C. humicolus, C. chlamydosporus and C. firmipilleus. The new species differs from C. adiaeretus by the absence of capilliconidia, from C. firmipilleus and C. chlamydosporus by its size of primary conidia and slender and curving germ hyphae arising from a single conidium, and from C. humicolus by its larger primary conidia and the absence of zygospores.