
This paper deals with the parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis-growth system with nonlinear secretion u(t) = del center dot (D(u)del u) - del center dot (chi u del v) + au - bu(r), x is an element of Omega, t > 0, 0 = Delta v - v + u(k), x is an element of Omega, t > 0, under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions in a bounded domain Omega subset of R-n(n >= 2) with smooth boundary, where chi > 0, a > 0, b > 0, r > 1, k >= 1 and D(u) is a smooth function satisfying D(u) > c(D)u(m-1) with some c(D) > 0 and m >= 1. It is shown, either r < k + 1, m > k + 1 - 2/n, or r > k + 1, or r = k + 1, b > b*, where b* = {0, if m > k + 1 - 2/n, n(k + 1 - m) - 2/n(k + 1 - m), if m <= k + 1 - 2/n, then the system admits a unique global bounded classical solution. Moreover, we obtain the large time behavior of the solution for a specific logistic source. Finally, for the case D(u) = 1 and r = k+1, large time behavior and convergence rate are established.