A global bifurcation result for a semilinear elliptic equation

作者:Gladiali Francesca*
来源:Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2010, 369(1): 306-311.


We consider the problem
{-Delta u = u(p) + lambda u in A, u > 0 in A, u - 0 on partial derivative A,
where A is an annulus of R(N), N >= 2, p is an element of (1, + infinity) and lambda is an element of (-infinity, 0]. Recent results (Gladiali et al., 2009 [5]) ensure that there exists a sequence of values of the exponent {p(k)} at which nonradial bifurcation from the radial solution occurs. We prove the existence of global branches of nonradial solutions bifurcating from the curve of radial ones..