
Imaging modalities are the only non-invasive methods providing information on the anatomy of the skeletal muscles, whereas electrophysiological methods (electromyo- and -neurography) deliver information about nerve and muscle functions. Thus, the imaging and electrophysiological techniques complement one another. In the present review, the technique of muscle ultrasonography and pathological myosonographical findings are described. There are both quantitative (muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, abnormal muscular echointensity) and qualitative abnormalities (e. g., fasciculations, tumours, abscesses). The first mentioned abnormalities require the generation or knowledge of reference values. This review lists numerous reference values for muscle thickness, cross-sectional areas, and volumes. Imaging techniques such as myosonography are the only methods for visualising mesenchymal alterations in skeletal muscles. Many typical, however - like electromyography - only few pathognomonic features have been described in the literature. In a given patient, primary neuro-and myopathic disorders can only rarely be distinguished reliably. Ultrasonography contributes to the determination of the optimal biopsy site.

  • 出版日期2010-12