
Recommendation system is able to recommend items that are likely to be preferred by the user. Hybrid recommender systems combine the advantages of the collaborative filtering and content-based filtering for improved recommendation. Hybrid recommendation methods use as many significant factors as possible to generate recommendation, which is practically very functional in real scenarios. However, such method has not been applied to book recommendation yet. Thus, in this paper, we propose a set of novel features which can be categorized into three types: latent features, derived features and content features. These features can be combined to form a new hybrid feature vector containing rating information and content information. Then, we adopted learning-To-rank to use the proposed feature vector as the input for book recommendation. Collaborative Ranking (CR) and Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF) are compared with our proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms CR and PMF. It shows that, on NDCG@1, PMF achieves 0.713818, CR achieves 0.690072 vs. our method achieves 0.742689 which is 4.04% over PMF and 7.62% over CR.