
The wheat grain is the most important organ for human food and therefore is the target for much research focused on modifying its composition to improve nutritional and functional components. Genetic transformation provides a precise tool to alter the composition of wheat grain by expressing new genes or by down-regulating groups of proteins encoded by multigene families such as gliadins, which contain clusters of epitopes that are active groups in triggering celiac disease. For such work, specific promoters are required to express such constructs in the wheat endosperm. In the present study we report the isolation and characterization of a gamma-gliadin promoter from transgenic wheat, and the analysis of gliadin synthesis during grain development in bread wheat by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI/TOF MS). The gamma-gliadin promoter fragment was isolated from bread wheat by genome walking and was re-introduced, driving the expression of the gusA gene, by particle bombardment, giving fifteen independent transgenic lines. Detailed analysis of the sequence of the 885 bp promoter fragment showed that it contains three prolamin boxes but only one is conserved according to the consensus sequence reported. The AACA/TA motif is present twice in published gamma-gliadin promoter sequences. The RY element i.e., CATGCAT or CATGCAC, is also present twice in the published promoter. Transgenic lines were classified as high, medium, and low expressers. The expression of the gusA gene was found only in the seeds of the transgenic lines. GUS staining was first detected in the outer endosperm of the lobes, and then it extended to the whole outer endosperm. GUS staining was not found in the aleurone layer nor in the embryo. The qRT-PCR data confirmed the data obtained by GUS staining. The expression of the gusA gene determined by qRT-PCR for the high expresser line (B281) was 4 and 8 times higher than that of medium (B282) and low (B286) expresser lines, respectively. MALDI/TOF-MS showed that gliadins exhibited different patterns of synthesis during the course of seed maturation. Thus, gliadins with masses higher than 36,000 Da were synthesised within the first 12 days post anthesis while those with masses lower than 36,000 Da were synthesised later. Results of GUS staining, qRT-PCR and MALDI/TOF-MS showed that the gamma-gliadin promoter reported in this work could be a good candidate to downregulate wheat gliadins.

  • 出版日期2009-5