
Digital watermarking, means of hiding/inserting a message, which can be an image, audio, video or text within the digital media. This hidden/inserting message can be later being extracted or detected for a variety of purposes. In this paper, a novel multi-resolution logo watermarking scheme using fractional M-band wavelet transform (Fr-M-band-WT) is proposed. The watermark is embedded in the multiresolution Fr-M-band-WT coefficients of low frequency bands of the host image using singular value decomposition (SVD). A multi-resolution nature of Fr-M-band-WT is exploited in the process of edge detection. Experimental results of the proposed logo watermarking scheme are compared with the previously available watermarking algorithms, fractional Fourier transform (FrFT), fractional wavelet transform (FrWT). Further, the proposed watermark extraction scheme is also tested on different attacks. The results after being investigated the proposed watermarking scheme shows a significant improvement as compared to other existing methods.

  • 出版日期2014-11