
Ten Pratylenchus coffeae populations collected from different crops in different agro-ecological regions in Vietnam were compared on the basis of both light microscope and scanning electron microscope observations (morphological and morphometrical characters) to assess the intraspecific variability of these characters. The results revealed the presence of substantial variability in morphology and morphometry within and between these populations. However, these differences fall within the range of the morphological and morphometrical variability described previously in P. coffeae populations from other parts of the world. Our scanning electron microscopy observations further confirm that in P. coffeae there is a complete fusion of the 1st (lip) annulus with the oral disc resulting in an undivided en face view with no division between the lateral and median (sub-dorsal and sub-ventral) segments of the 1st (lip) annulus. Although canonical discriminant analysis enabled the separation of the ten P. coffeae populations from Vietnam examined in three groups based on a combination of five morphological characters for the males, there was no relationship between these groups and their geographic origin or between these groups and the host plants from which they were originally isolated.