
What drove and drives Africans to migrate? Millions of people leave their homes in Africa for good reasons, some of them general, some idiosyncratic. Common causes include the widely recognised developmental deficits of Africa in their material dimension (poverty, survival), political dimension (freedom, insecurity) and social dimension (human development, "great expectations"). Special causes include propensities and motives to migrate, the demographies and geographies of migration, and the regimes regulating it. However, while the movement of Africans particularly across the Mediterranean Sea is extensively noticed, most of the people leave their home for other African countries - mainly unrecognised. <br xmlns:set="http://exslt.org/sets">Hence, the paper places African migration (to Europe as well as within Africa) into a global historical and an interdisciplinary context. Thereby, special emphasis is placed on the recent wave of globalization, most notably two of its otherwise relatively neglected dimensions: the movement of people and the effects on Africa. For that reason it sheds light on the exclusion of Africa in many dimensions of the process, but also on its vivid participation particularly in global migration.

  • 出版日期2009-2