
The photodegradation of indoxacarb, a broad spectrum foliar insecticide and spinosad, a natural insecticide containing two active ingredients, spinosyn A (major component) and spinosyn D (minor component), was studied in aqueous suspensions of binary (ZnO and TiO2) and ternary (Zn2TiO4 and ZnTiO3) oxides under artificial light (300460 nm) irradiation. As expected, the influence of the semiconductor materials on the degradation of both was very significant in all cases. Photocatalytic experiments showed that the addition of semiconductors in tandem with Na2S2O8 as electron acceptor strongly improved the removal of indoxacarb and spinosad in water compared with the photolytic tests. The reaction rates significantly increased, especially for the ZnO/Na2S2O8 and TiO2/Na2S2O8 systems. The first-order equation (monophasic model) satisfactorily explained the disappearance process, although it offered no explanation for the small concentrations remaining in the process.

  • 出版日期2014-11