
Usually, harvesting free flap in the limbs creates an inevitable sequence of aesthetic damage not only in the donor site but also in the area of the graft used to repair the free flap donor site. Aim of the study was to standardize a simple method, defined Autonomous reparative Unit, that allows closing of the donor site defects with a skin graft from the adjacent cutaneous area, avoiding further aesthetic damage in a third area. We define the "Autonomous reparative Unit" the rectangular shaped skin area of the flap and the dermoepidermic skin graft designed as an isoscele triangle with the base adjacent to the smaller side of the flap defect. From 2003 to 2008, at the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nationale Tumori of Milan, 143 free radial forearm flaps and 42 free osteofasciocutaneus fibula flaps have been performed for head and neck cancer. The autonomous reparative unit has been applicable in 177 cases (92.1%). The autonomous reparative unit method allows a "standard" primary reconstructive unit to be created which can be used in a single or in multiple ways thus avoiding an additional surgical scar and a subsequent additional aesthetic impairment.

  • 出版日期2010-2