Altered Glutathione Homeostasis in Heart Augments Cardiac Lipotoxicity Associated with Diet-induced Obesity in Mice

作者:Ghosh Sanjoy; Sulistyoningrum Dian C; Glier Melissa B; Verchere C Bruce; Devlin Angela M*
来源:JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 2011, 286(49): 42483-42493.


Obesity-related cardiac lipid accumulation is associated with increased myocardial oxidative stress. The role of the antioxidant glutathione in cardiac lipotoxicity is unclear. Cystathionine beta-synthase (Cbs) catalyzes the first step in the trans-sulfuration of homocysteine to cysteine, which is estimated to provide similar to 50% of cysteine for hepatic glutathione biosynthesis. As cardiac glutathione is a reflection of the liver glutathione pool, we hypothesize that mice heterozygous for targeted disruption of Cbs (Cbs(+/-)) are more susceptible to obesity-related cardiolipotoxicity because of impaired liver glutathione synthesis. Cbs(+/+) and Cbs(+/-) mice were fed a high fat diet (60% energy) from weaning for 13 weeks to induce obesity and had similar increases in body weight and body fat. This was accompanied by increased hepatic triglyceride but no differences in hepatic glutathione levels compared with mice fed chow. However, Cbs(+/-) mice with diet-induced obesity had greater glucose intolerance and lower total and reduced glutathione levels in the heart, accompanied by lower plasma cysteine levels compared with Cbs(+/+) mice. Higher triglyceride concentrations, increased oxidative stress, and increased markers of apoptosis were also observed in heart from Cbs(+/-) mice with diet-induced obesity compared with Cbs(+/+) mice. This study suggests a novel role for Cbs in maintaining the cardiac glutathione pool and protecting against cardiac lipid accumulation and oxidative stress during diet-induced obesity in mice.