Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy via an Inframammary Fold Incision with Implant-Based Reconstruction in Patients with Prior Cosmetic Breast Surgery

作者:Dent Briar L; Cordeiro Christina N; Small Kevin; Clemons Jessica A; Kessler Evan G; Swistel Alexander; Talmor Mia*
来源:Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2015, 35(5): 548-557.


Nipple-sparing mastectomy through an inframammary fold incision (NSM-IMF) with implant-based reconstruction (IBR) is a cosmetically preferable approach to breast cancer treatment in appropriate candidates. However, patients who have undergone prior cosmetic breast surgery (CBS) may be at increased risk for postoperative complications secondary to existing surgical scars. To assess whether prior CBS increases the risk of complications following NSM-IMF with IBR. A retrospective chart review was conducted for 398 NSM-IMFs with IBR performed between July 2006 and December 2013. CBS cases were identified. Outcomes were reviewed. Of 398 NSM-IMF cases, 41 had prior CBS: 24 augmentations, 12 reductions, three mastopexies, and two augmentation mastopexies. NSM-IMF was performed an average of 8 years following CBS. CBS cases had lower BMIs (P = .040), more breast tissue resected (P = .021), wider breast bases (P = .0002), more single-stage reconstructions (P < .0001), more ADM use (P < .0001), and larger permanent implants (P = .0051) than those without CBS. Postoperatively, CBS cases had higher rates of mastectomy flap ischemia (P = .0392) and hematoma (P = .0335). Among CBS cases, single-stage reconstruction was associated with increased full-thickness flap ischemia (P = .0066). Compared to prior augmentation cases, prior reduction/mastopexy cases had higher rates of capsular contracture (P = .0409) and seroma (P = .0226). This series is the largest to date to evaluate the success of NSM-IMF with IBR in CBS patients. These women should be cautiously considered for IBR, particularly in the setting of single-stage reconstruction. 4

  • 出版日期2015-7