
Granular solid hydrodynamics (GSH) is a continuum-mechanical theory for granular media, whose wide range of applicability is shown in this paper. Simple, frequently analytic solutions are related to classic observations at different shear rates, including: i) static stress distribution, clogging; ii) elasto-plastic motion: loading and unloading, approach to the critical state, angle of stability and repose; iii) rapid dense flow: the mu-rheology, Bagnold scaling and the stress minimum; iv) elastic waves, compaction, wide and narrow shear band. Less conventional experiments have also been considered: shear jamming, creep flow, visco-elastic behavior and non-local fluidization. With all these phenomena ordered, related, explained and accounted for, though frequently qualitatively, we believe that GSH may be taken as a unifying framework, providing the appropriate macroscopic vocabulary and mindset that help one coming to terms with the breadth of granular physics.