
We assessed C-13-NMR measurements in an organic salt kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(4)Hg-2 Br-89(8) which exhibits superconductivity at 4 3 K under ambient pressure We observed that (T1T)(-1) of H // and perpendicular to layer at ambient pressure increased as the temperature was decreased to 7 K but decreased further at lower temperatures suggesting that the decrease of (T1T)(-1) was not due to the superconductive fluctuations but due to the magnetism of the conduction electrons Application of pressure suppresses (T1T)(-1) with (T1T)(-1) becoming constant above 2 GPa These results suggest that applying pressure alters the electron system from a non-Fermi liquid (NFL) to a Fermi liquid (FL) state and that antiferromagnetic fluctuations contribute to the origin of NFL behavior Where

  • 出版日期2010-6-1