
Fast ignition is studied in the pre-compressed DT and (DHe)-He-3 fuels at uniform density 300 g cm(-3) using deuteron beam with considering Maxwellian energy distribution. Total stopping power and range of deuterons are computed by calculating the stopping power contribution of field electrons and ions as a function of initial deuterons energy and temperature in both fuels. Also, the fraction of power deposited by alpha particles is determined. In addition, bonus energy and total deposition energy due to the additional fusion reactions obtained from injection of energetic deuterons into DT and (DHe)-He-3 fuels are calculated. The contribution of average produced extra energy by deuteron beam-target fusion for DT fuel is more than (DHe)-He-3 fuel. This research indicates that deuteron beam has some advantages over its other competitors.

  • 出版日期2015-10
