
A cetirizine hydrochloride polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membrane drug sensor was developed by using an ion association complex generated with sodium tetraphenylborate and cetirizine hydrochloride as an electroactive substance. In a sodium dihydrogen phosphate-sodium hydroxide buffer solution of pH 5.0, the linear range of the sensor was 1.58 x 10(-6) -1.0 x 10(-1) M, the slope was 46 mV pC(-1) at 20 degrees, the detection limit was 6.31 x 10(-7) M, and the response time was less than 10 seconds. The sensor has excellent reproducibility with the relative standard deviation of its potential value less than 5%. When the sensor was used to determine cetirizine hydrochloride in drugs, the relative standard deviation was less than 3%. Moreover, the results were consistent with the labeled content in preparations.
