
Broiler hatching eggs obtained from a 29-wk-old Ross 308 breeder flock were weighed and set on 8 tray levels (60 eggs/level) of a single incubator. On d 10.5 of incubation, the eggs were weighed, and temperature transponders were implanted in the air cells of 4 randomly selected embryonated eggs per tray level for determination of internal egg temperature (IT). Two water-filled vials per tray level containing transponders were also placed within 5 cm of the implanted eggs for determination of external egg temperature (ET). Between 10.5 and 18.5 d of incubation, ET and IT were recorded every 12 h. Egg weights and embryo survival were determined on 10.5 and 18.5 d of incubation and were used for the calculation of average daily incubational weight loss of embryonated eggs (EWL) and average daily percentage of EWL. Approximately 75% (24 out of 32) of the embryos in the implanted eggs survived through d 18.5 of incubation. Mean ET and IT were used to calculate the water vapor pressure gradient across the eggshell, which was subsequently used with EWL to calculate eggshell water vapor conductance (G(H2O)) and specific G(H2O) (g(H2O); G(H2O) adjusted to a 100-g set egg weight basis). Mean percentage of EWL, ET, IT, G(H2O), and g(H2O) for the 10.5- to 18.5-d incubation period were 0.546 +/- 0.02%, 37.1 +/- 0.03 degrees C, 37.8 +/- 0.09 degrees C, 13.9 +/- 0.47 mg of H(2)O/d per Torr, and 24.5 +/- 0.75 mg of H(2)O/d per Torr per 100 g, respectively. It was concluded that temperature transponders may be successfully implanted in the air cells of broiler hatching eggs to determine ET, IT, G(H2O), and g(H2O) in Ross x Ross 308 broiler hatching eggs. Nevertheless, increased embryo survivability by further improving the implantation procedure may increase the practicality of temperature transponder use in commercial settings.

  • 出版日期2011-6-1