
The use of dental acrylics and composite resins in veterinary dentistry has become widespread. However; their use is not without potential complications. All acrylics and composite resins produce an exothermic reaction during the polymerization process. The aim of the current study was to evaluate thermal conduction during the polymerization reaction of each material to offer clinical guidelines when choosing a material with particular consideration for the significant volumes typically used. Results showed that methylmethacrylate based resins generated a significantly higher degree of heat during polymerization. Bis-acryl based composite resins generated a significantly lower degree of heat during polymerization, making them the material of choice to potentially minimize thermal injury to the dentin-pulp complex. It is the responsibility of the clinician to become aware of all materials available, and to have an understanding of their properties to guide them in making sound clinical judgments.

  • 出版日期2012