
Based on molecular mechanics, a structural mechanics model of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was developed with special consideration given to the bending stiffness of the graphite layer. The potentials associated with the atomic interactions within a CNT were evaluated by the strain energies of beam elements which serve as structural substitutions of covalent bonds in a CNT. In contrast to the original model developed by Li and Chou (Int. J. Solids Struct. 40(10):2487-2499, 2003), in the current model the out-of-plane deformation (inversion) of the bond was distinguished from the in-plane deformation by considering a rectangular cross-section for the beam element. Consequently, the model is able to study problems where the effect of local bending of the graphite layer in a carbon nanotube is significant. A closed-form solution of the sectional properties of the beam element was derived analytically. The model was verified through the analysis of rolling a graphite sheet into a carbon nanotube. Using the present model, the buckling behavior of nanotubes under bending is simulated. The predicted critical bending angle agrees well with molecular dynamics simulations.

  • 出版日期2010-2