Burn-up credit in criticality safety of PWR spent fuel

作者:Mahmoud Rowayda F*; Shaat Mohamed K; Nagy M E; Agamy S A; Abdelrahman Adel A
来源:Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014, 280: 628-633.


The criticality safety calculations were performed for a proposed design of a wet spent fuel storage pool. This pool will be used for the storage of spent fuel discharged from a typical pressurized water reactor (PWR). The mathematical model based on the international validated codes, WIMS-5 and MCNP-5 were used for calculating the effective multiplication factor, k(eff), for the spent fuel stored in the pool. %26lt;br%26gt;The data library for the multi-group neutron microscopic cross-sections was used for the cell calculations. The keff was calculated for several changes in water density, water level, assembly pitch and burn-up with different initial fuel enrichment and new types and amounts of fixed absorbers. Also, k(eff) was calculated for the conservative fresh fuel case. %26lt;br%26gt;The results of the calculations confirmed that the effective multiplication factor for the spent fuel storage is sub-critical for all normal and abnormal states. The future strategy for the burn-up credit recommends increasing the fuel burn-up to a value %26gt;60.0 GWD/MTU, which requires new fuel composition and new fuel cladding material with the assessment of the effects of negative reactivity build up.

  • 出版日期2014-12