
We analyzed 75 cases of invasive ductal mammary carcinoma type NOS and focused on comparative investigation of hormonal receptors (estrogen receptor ER and progesterone receptor PR) and Her2/neu oncoprotein expression, according to which we ranked the cases in molecular classification subtypes, determining certain correlations between them and morphoclinical prognostic factors. 73.4% of cases were ER+ and 26.6% were ER-. PR was present in 62.6% of cases and absent in 37.4%. Phenotype ER+PR+ (58.6%) had the highest incidence, followed by ER-PR- (22.8%) and ER+PR- (14.6%). Phenotype ER-PR+ (4%) registered the lowest incidence. 14.8% of tumors were Her2/neu + score 3+, 4% had equivocal score 2+ and 81.3% were negative Her2/neu scored 0 and 1+. 9.5% of cases Her2/neu positive scored 3+ were ER+PR+ and 88.5% of cases Her2/neu negative scored 0-1 were ER+PR+. In terms of the correlation among the status of ER, PR and Her2/neu, we determined a molecular classification of the cases, obtaining the following incidences: luminal A 70% of cases, basal 14.7% of cases, luminal B 8.3%, the lowest incidence being registered at Her2, 7% of cases. Luminal A and basal subtypes were associated with patients aged over 50 years (82% for luminal A and 90% for basal), whereas luminal B and Her2 subtypes were registered mostly at patients aged under 60-year-old (83% for luminal B and 100% for Her2). Luminal A subtype was characterized by small tumors (92% of cases were T1-T2), well and moderately differentiated tumors (58% of cases were G1-G2). 83.3% of cases in lumina' B subtype had tumors with dimensions ranked T2-T3, all cases being moderately and low differentiated. Her2 subtype had T2-T3 tumors in 60% of cases, which were G3 low differentiated in a percent of 80%. The basal subtype mostly had tumors larger than 5 cm (91% of cases were T2-T3), out of which only a case (9%) presented well-differentiated G1.

  • 出版日期2011