
Willuhn et al., observed that habitual cocaine use was correlated with reductions in D2/D3 receptors linked to decreased cue activation in occipital cortex and cerebellum. Dopamine agonist therapy maintains dopamine function and is a relapse prevention tactic focused on psychoactive drug and behavioral addictions. Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) with emphasis on glutaminergic medications fails in the long-term treatment of Reward Deficiency Syndrome Behaviors (RDS). While the careful use of "dopamine antagonist-therapy" short-term is supported, the research-based concept of "dopamine agonist therapy" in long-term is proposed. Neurogenetics and epigenetics are important in understanding treatment response and clinical outcomes. The neuro-mechanisms involving " dopamine homeostasis" are key to understanding recovery from drug and non-drug addictive behaviors. For example, patients who carry the DRD2 A1 allele (30-40 less D2 receptors) should consider Neuronutriant-Amino-Acid therapy (KB220 variants) a prevention modality. DRD2 A1 allele carriers show amplified striatal function of L-amino acid decarboxylase, prior to dopamine biosynthesis. Another example is the effect of Acute Tyrosine Phenylalanine Depletion (ATPD) on decision-making and reward found carriers with amino-acid deficiency (ATPD). They experienced attenuated reward and reduced decision-making ability as quantified by Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Future research should be directed at asking the question; Would " dopamine agonist therapy" using KB220 variants reduce methylation and increase acetyl groups to enhance DRD2 expression especially in DRD2 A1 allele carriers and lead to increased dopamine function and a reduction of drug and non-drug seeking behaviors?

  • 出版日期2016
