
In recent years nano-sized particles have been focused on bacteriostasis. We investigated antimicrobial activities by applying two types of silver nanoparticles on cotton fabric. These are MesoSilver particles and silver chloride compounds (Silpure). Silver chloride, used in aqueous dispersion, is mixed with a monomer prior to the application on the fabric. MesoSilver is pure silver sub-nanometer sized particles suspended in deionized water. Silpure solutions were padded and cured on cotton fabric. MesoSilver was padded onto the fabric followed by air drying. SEM images of Silpure- and MesoSilver-treated fabric samples showed good particle dispersion on the fabric. EDX analysis was conducted to confirm the presence of silver particles on the fabric surface. Biological studies exhibited that no growth took place with zones of inhibition on both the treated samples; while the untreated samples did show bacterial growth. The Silpure sample exhibited excellent wash durability; however, the MesoSilver specimen did not.

  • 出版日期2010